5 Reasons to Choose Nonsurgical Treatment for Restoring Your Vaginal Health

Vaginal atrophy — the term alone sounds awful, but the effects can be even more so, as vaginal dryness, itchiness, and thinning vaginal walls wreak havoc on your ability to enjoy sex. The primary driver of vaginal atrophy is transitioning through menopause and the subsequent drop in estrogen levels, leaving 40% to 57% of women with some degree of poor vaginal health.
The good news is that there is a vaginal rejuvenation solution called MonaLisa Touch®, which Dr. Gary Willen and the team here at Tahoe Women’s Care offer.
Here’s a look at five benefits of this advanced technology for restoring your vaginal health and sexual function.
1. Nonsurgical laser technology
With MonaLisa Touch, there are no incisions. Instead, using a special wand that we insert into your vagina, we deliver laser energy directly into your vaginal tissues. This laser energy creates a collagen response in your vaginal walls that helps restore vaginal health. As well, it encourages more blood flow to your tissues, which can help with lubrication.
2. No downtime
After your MonaLisa Touch treatments, there is no downtime and you’re free to get on with your busy day. We do ask that you refrain from sexual intercourse (or tampon use, if that applies) for a few days after each treatment, but this sexual downtime is miniscule compared to the downtime you would encounter if you opted for surgery.
3. Done in minutes
Each MonaLisa Touch treatment takes us mere minutes to perform. After we make you comfortable in our treatment room, we quickly deliver the energy in about 3-5 minutes, and then you’re free to go.
If you add this benefit to the fact that there’s no downtime, you can easily fit your MonaLisa Touch treatments into your busy schedule. We typically recommend a series of 3-5 treatments, which we space apart by several weeks between each.
4. An all-natural approach
With MonaLisa Touch, we’re simply calling on existing resources to restore your vaginal health. The energy we deliver with MonaLisa Touch is in the form of heat, which elicits a natural collagen response in your tissues.
5. Gradual, but solid, results
Since we’re working with your body, you need to allow time for it to respond and rebuild your vaginal tissues. After each MonaLisa Touch treatment, you’ll notice gradual improvements as your body’s collagen production activates.
Many of our clients experience ongoing, solid, results that continue throughout the treatments and for a few weeks after their final treatment.
By the end, you should be rewarded with more elastic vaginal tissue, less itching, and increased lubrication.
If you want to determine whether MonaLisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation can help with your sexual health, please contact our office in Carson City, Nevada, to set up an appointment.
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